
Cement raw material/clinker vertical roller mill manufacturer – Chaeng

News Date:2018-10-23 13:50:19

With the increasing integration between global economy and environment, the road of treatment after pollution must be abandoned. The pressure of environment and economic development makes manufacturing industry of China must change the traditional production mode to accelerate the green industry, transition to the green manufacturing.

Chaeng positively responses to the call of national green energy saving policy. Over the past decade, our company actively cooperates with domestic and international senior experts and scientific research institutes that research and manufacture vertical roller mill and combines with the rich experience of vertical roller mill operation to develop GRM series large vertical roller mill with the outstanding features of energy saving and low carbon. By comparing cement vertical roller mill and cement ball mill, it is found that total power consumption of traditional cement ball mill is about 110kWh/t, while total power consumption of cement vertical roller mill is less than 80 kWh/t. If there is 20% of ball mill replaced by vertical roller mill yearly, 0.76 billion kWh will be saved, equivalent to saving 0.28 million tons of standard coal and emission reduction of 0.73 million tons CO2. At the same time, vertical roller mill manufactured by chaeng not only has the advantages of low energy consumption and high efficiency, but also has the advantages of strong drying ability and simple system flow and meets the requirement of large-scale cement production at the same time.

raw material vertical mill

Many cement plants take green development as current and future work focus. Henan Mengdian Cement Plant expresses that it will focus on constructing the environmental cement production line, greatly reducing the power consumption and emission and at the same time improving the level of automatic control production from producing, packaging to out of the shop to set up the model of national energy saving and emission reduction projects.

Henan Mengdian Group is a large-scale cement production enterprise. In order to realize energy saving and emission reduction and meet the requirement of scale production in the process of cement production, Henan Mengdian Group begins to carry out technological innovation for tube mill. As the responsible unit of this project, Chaeng equipment the domestic largest model of vertical roller mill -- GRMR53.41 raw material vertical roller mill for Henan Mengdian Group, which achieves successful operation and brings good economic benefits to the customer.

Chaeng makes every effort to develop green manufacture, build green industry and improve the environmental capacity of cement grinding equipment. Chaeng insists efficient, clean, low carbon and recycling green development path.

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