
Chaeng’s vertical mill process water slag

News Date:2016-07-27 14:09:35

Water slag as raw materials of the building materials,it often used in the production of cement and concrete. Because water slag has hydraulic gelation properties, it can be used as the raw material to get high quality cement under the action of cement,lime or gypsum. After slag vertical mill and other slag processing equipment, water slag powder can be made into slag portland cement , gypsum slag cement, lime slag cement,slag concrete and slag brick and so on.

Water slag is formed by rapid cooling the molten blast furnace slag in water,it mainly include the slag pool water quenching and before furnace water quenching . After dealing with the specific production line processing,the water slag will be the economic material,this solution solves the problem of recycling blast furnace slag and other waste effectively,it reduce the environment pollution caused by slag . In the water slag processing production line,water slag vertical mill plays an important role,and the fine powder vertical mill put into use make water slag processing effect more better.

The recycling of water slag is a good way to make waste profitable. Water slag is processed into the economic building materials,it is not only saving resources, but also decrease the pollution of waste for the environment,in accordance with the development concept,the recycling of water slag is a best way for business investment.

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