
Before pouring, Experience Sharing some experience for girth gear

News Date:2016-06-17 14:35:00

Casting process is a vital part in casting production process,if the process does not properly handled,the qualified casting girth gear ring is very poor, so the ring gear production, should be strictly in according to the requirements to cast link the operation.

large girth gear

First, before pouring, Chaeng should get prepared to ensure that the subsequent casting operation can proceed smoothly.

Before pouring preparation includes:

1.Clean up site pouring, to ensure the successful completion of the casting production process safety;

2.Flexibility repair quality inspection ladle drying and preheating Transport and tilting mechanism and reliable offerings;

3.Understand the type of alloy cast, the casting mold to be estimated by the number and weight of molten metal required to prevent the molten metal is insufficient, the insufficient number of molds in casting phenomenon.

In order to obtain the qualified girth gear, and Chaeng strictly control the pouring temperature, pouring speed, pouring strict compliance procedures is critical.

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